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CS8661 - Internet Programming Lab - Experiment 5

Experiment 5 Problem Statement

Write programs in Java to create three-tier applications using servlets for conducting online examination for displaying student mark list. Assume that student information is available in a database which has been stored in a database server.

Three Tier Application Creation using Java Servlets


To write a JAVA servlet program for the implementation of three tier database connectivity using JDBC.


  1. Create a HTML form with the required input type fields.
  2. Create a Servlet Page to receive the details entered by the user in the HTML form.
  3. Initialize the database drive and make a connection to the database.
  4. Insert the details received from HTML form to the database.
  5. Display all book details present in the database using select statement.
  6. Close the connection to the database.


Experiment 5 - Three Tier Application Creation using Java Servlets