Service Oriented Architecture Question Bank
- Define XML Parser
- Write a simple stylesheet using XSL
- List out the disadvantages of DOM
- List out some of the advanced features of XSLT
- What is DOM? List the DOM interfaces
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of SAX
- Define XSL formatting
- Compare DOM with SAX parser
- What is the use of hasfeature() method?
- Define XSLT
- List out the two techniques for performing XSLT processing
- Write down the XSL – FO document structure
- Outline the XSL – FO code to set a header for a4 page setup of XML document
- Give an example for xsl:apply-templates element
- List out the various steps in modeling databases with XML
- List some examples for XSLT processors
- Outline the XSL – FO code to insert smiley.jpg into XML document
- Define marshalling and unmarshalling
- List some of Lexicalhandler methods in SAX Parser
- Explain in detail about DOM Parser with suitable examples
- Summarize about XML SAX parser and error handler methods of it with suitable examples
- Illustrate the process of modeling databases with XML
- Explain in detail about formatting XML document using XSL – FO with suitable example
- With suitable example, show how XSLT is used for converting XML document into HTML document
- Explain in detail about XSLT transformations with suitable example
- Construct DOM parser for a "purchase order" xml file that contains bill to and send to warehouse details provided as XML schema with DocBuilder Output