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Service Oriented Architecture - Unit 2 - Question Bank

Service Oriented Architecture Question Bank



  1. Define XML Parser
  2. Write a simple stylesheet using XSL
  3. List out the disadvantages of DOM
  4. List out some of the advanced features of XSLT
  5. What is DOM? List the DOM interfaces
  6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of SAX
  7. Define XSL formatting
  8. Compare DOM with SAX parser
  9. What is the use of hasfeature() method?
  10. Define XSLT
  11. List out the two techniques for performing XSLT processing
  12. Write down the XSL – FO document structure
  13. Outline the XSL – FO code to set a header for a4 page setup of XML document
  14. Give an example for xsl:apply-templates element
  15. List out the various steps in modeling databases with XML
  16. List some examples for XSLT processors
  17. Outline the XSL – FO code to insert smiley.jpg into XML document
  18. Define marshalling and unmarshalling
  19. List some of Lexicalhandler methods in SAX Parser


  1. Explain in detail about DOM Parser with suitable examples
  2. Summarize about XML SAX parser and error handler methods of it with suitable examples
  3. Illustrate the process of modeling databases with XML
  4. Explain in detail about formatting XML document using XSL – FO with suitable example
  5. With suitable example, show how XSLT is used for converting XML document into HTML document
  6. Explain in detail about XSLT transformations with suitable example


  1. Construct DOM parser for a "purchase order" xml file that contains bill to and send to warehouse details provided as XML schema with DocBuilder Output