Service Oriented Architecture Question Bank
- What are the goals for performing a service oriented analysis
- Show the structure of common WS-BPEL process definition
- Show the step-by-step process in the service oriented analysis
- Write the syntax for getVariableData function in WS-BPEL
- What are the standards that web services depend on?
- Define WS-Security
- Define service modeling
- List any four attributes of invoke element in BPEL
- How will you designate the WS- Business Activity coordination type
- List out the signature elements in WS - Security
- Why identifier and Expires element are used in WS - coordination scheme?
- What is JAX-WS
- Compare and contrast services and service candidates
- List out the advantages of performing service oriented design
- Define design standards and industry standards
- List out the steps in SOA composition
- What are the three specifications of WS-policy
- Explain in detail about the steps involved in service modeling process
- Outline the skeleton of the coordination context construct in WS-coordination
- Summarize the primitive SOA support in J2EE
- Explain in detail about WS-BPEL construct with necessary code snippets
- Outline the various steps involved in service oriented analysis
- Explain in detail various design standards and guidelines used for service modeling process
- Explain in detail about WS - Policy with suitable examples
- Summarize in detail about WS-Security construct with suitable example
- Construct WS security program for inserting complaint signature in SOAP header of invoice submission message
- Develop WS BPEL code form for invoice submission process